The main task of the pension calculator is to explain the emergence of your pension entitlements and the calculation of your insurance pension and to demonstrate how your insurance pension depends on:

  • the size of your wage;
  • the size of your income as self-employed citizen;
  • your pension plan in the mandatory pension insurance system;
  • years of employment (insurance record);
  • military service by conscription, maternity leave and other socially significant periods of your life;
  • pension claim filed after the standard retirement age.
How many pension coefficients
can you gain in 2020?

Results of insurance payment calculation are strictly advisory and should not be viewed as the actual size of your future pension. For the sake of simplicity, all calculations are based on permanent conditions of 2020. The calculations assume that your pension entitlements were fully created in 2019 and you were “assigned” an insurance pension in 2020 on the basis of your information about life plans and on the condition that you “received” the indicated salary throughout the period of your employment.

TThe actual amount of the insurance pension is calculated by the Russian Pension Fund upon receiving the pension application with due account of all pension entitlements and benefits envisaged by pension laws as of the date of pension assignment. For instance, persons with Group 1 disabilities, persons older than 80, persons who worked or lived in the sub-Arctic and similar regions, and persons with at least 30 years of employment in agriculture, who have no other type of employment and/or activity and reside in the countryside will receive larger pensions due to the increased fixed payment. Self-employed persons (individual entrepreneurs, members and heads of farm collectives, lawyers, arbitration managers, notaries and other private practitioners who are not registered as individual entrepreneurs) have their pension entitlements calculated not on the basis of their salaries but on the basis of the fixed payment and 1% of the sum exceeding 300,000 rubles, which they annually pay as mandatory pension insurance contributions and which must not exceed the eightfold amount of the fixed payment.

The pension calculator is not applicable to servicemen and law enforcement officers who have no labor record as non-military employees.


The old-age insurance pension is calculated by the following method: the sum of your pension points is multiplied by the value of one pension point in the year of assignment of your insurance pension and added to the sum of the fixed payment.

The approximate amount of the insurance pension is calculated on the basis of the following indicators of 2020:

  • The fixed payment – 5,686 rubles and 25 kopecks;
  • The pension point value – 93.00 rubles;
  • The maximum salary before personal income tax deductible from insurance contributions – 107,666 rubles per month.

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