
To date, participants of State co-funding program of pension contributed to their accounts 3 billion 133 million rubles which corresponds to the same period last year.

Today 15 million 849 thousand Russians are participants of the Program. As much people as have signed up for the Program on September 30, 2013 - the last day, when it was possible to join the Program. Those who have already made a first payment or will make it to the end of 2014, can be able to expect for co-funding by the state of their voluntary contributions for 10 years from the year of their first payment on the condition that they will annually make a contribution between 2,000 and more rubles to their pension account.

Participants of the Program transferred to their accounts 12 billion 785 million rubles in the past year. Of these funds state paid 12 billion 422 million rubles in 2014.

The total amount of co-funding is always less than the total amount of contributions, because there are payments below the two thousand rubles, or more than 12 thousand rubles, while the co-funding by contributions in the range of 2 to 12 thousand rubles per year. In addition to the total amount of the contributions there are voluntary contributions of employers who participate in the Program as the third party in the amount of 177 million 292 thousand rubles. Employer contributions are not subject of co-funding by the state.

All of the above funds spaced apart in the personal accounts of citizens and, like all other pension funds, will be paid when a citizen retires (or paid to successors in the event of the death of a citizen).

In generally, for the duration of the Program the participants have contributed over 33 billion rubles to their future pensions.

Details of the state co-funding program of - on the website and by Call Centre: 8-800-510-5555 (24 hours, in Russia toll free).

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