
Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has announced the beginning of the fifth annual All-Russian contest "Best policy holder for obligatory pension insurance in 2014".

Contest participants are policy holders paying insurance premiums for obligatory pension insurance to the PFR. To enter the contest, the policy holder must timely transfer insurance premiums in full to the insurance and funded part of the labor pension of his employees in the budget of PFR, timely submit of documents without errors for personalized accounting and payment of insurance premiums, as well as timely register all employees in the system of obligatory pension insurance. In addition, there should not be recorded complaints against employers and insured persons on violations of the pension legislation of the Russian Federation.

The winners will be determined in all regions of the Russian Federation in four categories: Number of employees over 500 people; Number of employees from 100 to 500 people; Number of employees up to 100 people; Sole proprietors who have employees.

Employers recognized as the best policy holders in 2014 will be awarded with honorary diplomas, signed by the Chairman of the PFR and Heads the PFR Departments in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Results of the contest "Best policy holder in 2014" will be announced in May 2015 considering the completion of the submission of reports by policy holders in 2014.

Contest "Best policy holder in 2013" was attended by over 3,650,000 employers from all regions of the Russian Federation in 2014. Regional Competition Committees in 82 PFR divisions have identified 1203 most socially responsible employers. Since 2010 contest awards were given to 4841 most socially responsible employers in the 82 regions of the Russian Federation.

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