
The Chairman of the Board Anton Drozdov took part in the work of the IX Congress of the Federation of independent trade unions of Russia. The congress was held in the Sochi Olympic Park on February 7-8 and was attended by 700 delegates representing more than 21 million union members.

The congress was attended by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, leaders of all branches of government, deputies of the State Duma, representatives of employers' associations, political parties, scientific and creative community, foreign trade union centers and international organizations.

Report of the General Council of the FITU on activity during the period 2011 - 2015 was considered at the congress. Issues on wages, social partnership, creating a high-performance workplaces and social protection of workers in modern conditions were discussed.

More than 500 participants of the meeting received consultations on topical issues on pension and social security.

PFR and FITU conducts joint information activities among the members of the labour collectives and members of the trade union organizations to explain the new method for the formation of pension rights and selection of type of pension.

Pension Fund of Russia organized and conducted more than 8.4 thousand events for union activists with the participation of more than 107 thousand members of trade union organizations, conducted more than 43 thousand meetings and forums with members of labour collectives of enterprises, which were attended by more than 1.3 million workers in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Experts of the PFR conducted field consultations for 900,000 members of labour collectives in more than 33 thousand organizations and enterprises. Between FITU and PFR was concluded special agreement in early 2014 for realization of measures for joint information activities among the members of labour collectives for explanation of the adopted guidelines of the federal laws to improve the pension system in the period from 2014 to 2015.

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