
The Pension Fund of Russia ranks second in the state service quality category, according to the state service quality monitoring system “Your Control.” During the very first month, August, the Pension Fund scored 4.87 points which put it on the second position amongst governmental agencies. The score was even higher, 4.88 points, in September.

Ninety-one percent of users assessed the PFR as ‘excellent’ in September, compared to 90.9% in August.

The Pension Fund joined “Your Control” system in summer of this year. Mass comments and assessments from recipients of state services rendered by the PFR started coming in August. Citizens assessed 21,600 PFR state services during the first month, thus making the Fund one of the three leaders by the number of state services assessed by citizens. Some 26,300 PFR state services were assessed by citizens in September.

The system makes it possible to assess key PFR services provided by the Fund’s client services and multipurpose centers.

Recipients of state services can assess the promptness, professionalism and politeness of personnel, the convenience of the procedure and the level of comfort in offices. Assessments can be made either at “Your Control” portal or by sending text messages, visiting websites of government agencies and the state services portal or using information terminals at multipurpose centers.

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