
State pension benefits, including social pensions, grew by 1.5% on April 1, 2017. An average social pension paid in 2017 amounts to 8,742 rubles (102.4% of the pensioner subsistence minimum). An average social pension of children with disabilities and 1st group persons with lifelong disabilities stands at 13,241 rubles.

Insurance pensions of non-working pensioners were increased by 0.38% on April 1. Together with the 5.4% growth reported on February 1, insurance pensions grew by 5.8% in 2017.

An average old-age insurance pension amounts to 13,655 rubles in 2017 (159.9% of the pensioner subsistence minimum). The individual pension coefficient (pension point) reached 78.58 rubles on April 1.

Insurance pensions of persons, who kept on working in 2016, will grow in August 2017. The maximum pension raise is equivalent to three pension points.

Same as before, there will be no persons receiving pension benefits smaller than the pensioner subsistence minimum in effect in their home region in 2017. All non-working pensioners will receive an additional social benefit, which, in combination of their pension, will amount to the regional pensioner subsistence minimum.

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