
The Russian Pension Fund is launching the pilot project of public services using the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities. Since August 21, PFR has been assigning all types of disability pensions and monthly benefits in accordance with the information sent to the register from institutions, departments and governmental agencies providing services and payments to persons with disabilities.

The pilot project will continue until the end of the year at PFR divisions in 12 constituent territories, namely the Belgorod, Vologda, Irkutsk, Penza, Samara and Smolensk regions, the Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk territories, and in Crimea, Tatarstan, Chechnya, and Chuvashia. The use of the register by PFR territorial divisions will be analyzed and adjusted on the basis of the monthly project monitoring, and, at the end, proposals will be made to optimize the provision of PFR public services to persons with disabilities. The practice developed in the course of the pilot project will be applied by all offices of the Pension Fund.

Please be advised that the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities is the largest information system comprising complete data of all Russian citizens with disabilities. The Register was commenced in 2017. Information is being regularly supplied to the Register; its completeness and authenticity is verified, and the information posted earlier is updated. All users and information suppliers are being connected to the Register, in particular, in Russian constituent territories.

Persons with disabilities may access the Federal Register via the personal account section of the PFR website and the mobile application to receive information about assigned payments and benefits, file online requests for the assignment of pensions and social benefits, and comment on the quality of rendered public services. The Register will reach its full capacity and involve all information suppliers and users in 2018.

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