
Russian Pension Fund Board Chairman Anton Drozdov has taken part in the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi dedicated to the country’s investment and economic potential. The PFR head gave a speech at the “Digital Economy: Problems and Perspective of Normative Regulation” session, which addressed the government-approved plan of elaborating a package of laws, which would regulate the digital economy and lift major legislative barriers to Russia’s digitalization.

The report by Anton Drozdov dwelt on the implementation of best-available IT technologies in large-scale federal projects operated by the Pension Fund. These include the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities and the Unified State Social Security Information System, a real step towards creating a common information space of Russian social institutions ensuring the efficient management of funds assigned for targeted social support to citizens. The PFR board chairman underlined that further successful and efficient implementation of advanced technological projects, which directly and actively involve the PFR as the administrator of the largest social security information system in Russia, would require modification of legislation in various fields.

The session was also attended by Russian Deputy Economic Development Minister Savva Shipov, Moscow Region Vice-Governor Ildar Gabdrakhmanov, Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister and IT and Communications Minister Roman Shaikhutdinov, Skolkovo Foundation Board Chairman Igor Drozdov, ANO Digital Economy General Director Yevgeny Kovnir, PJSC MTS Vice-President for Corporate and Legal Affairs and board member Ruslan Ibragimov, and Agency for Technological Development General Director Maxim Shereikin, amongst others.

 Interview of the Chairman of the Board of the FIU Anton Drozdov at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi. RBC-TV.


Source: "RBC TV"


Speech of the Chairman of the Board of the PFR Anton Drozdov at the meeting "Digital Economy: Problems and Prospects for Regulatory Regulation". "Russian Investment Forum". 

                                                                                                        Source: "Russian Investment Forum"



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