
The Russian Pension Fund is receiving requests from families with a low income for the monthly payment of maternity capital funds. Requests are granted if the second child is either born or adopted after January 1, 2018. The mother files two requests at a time, one for the maternity capital certificate, and the other for the monthly payment.  The parents may also apply for the child’s individual insurance account number (SNILS).

For the purpose of understanding whether the family qualifies for the payment, the family’s aggregate income for the past 12 calendar months should be divided by 12, and the sum should be divided by the number of family members, including the newly born second child. If the sum is smaller than 150% of the able-bodied citizen’s subsistence minimum in the family’s home region, the family can lodge the monthly payment application with the Pension Fund.

The 150% of subsistence minimums in all Russian constituent territories are given in the table below. The table also indicates the maximum monthly income of families of three or four entitled to the monthly payment.

The family income includes salaries, bonuses, pensions, social benefits, scholarships, and various kinds of compensations. Documents attesting to those payments, excluding payments received from the Pension Fund, should be attached to the application filed with the Pension Fund. The sum does not include a lump sum payment from the federal budget on the occasion of emergency situations, the income on bank deposits, and the income on property lease.

No monthly payment is assigned if children’s expenses are fully covered by the government, the family provides incorrect information about its income, and the parents are deprived of parental rights.

It is possible to apply for the monthly payment any time within 18 months since the second child is born. In case applications are filed within the first six months, the payments will cover the period since the child’s birth, i.e. the period prior to the filing of the application. But if applications are filed after the six-month period, the payments will be assigned from the application date. The money is transferred to the citizen’s account in a Russian bank. Applications for the monthly payment can be filed with the client service of the Russian Pension Fund or via some multipurpose centers.

The size of the payment depends on the region: it is equal to the children’s subsistence minimum of the relevant constituent territory in effect in the second quarter of the previous year. Whenever the family applies for the monthly payment in 2018, the payment will be equal to the children’s subsistence minimum in effect in the second quarter of 2017. All sums are given in the table below.

The monthly payment can be received until the child is 18 months old, yet the first payment period is yearlong, and the family wishing to continue receiving the payment will have to file the application anew. Payments will stop after maternity capital funds are fully spent, the family changes its place of residence, or the child reaches the age of 18 months. It is possible to suspend the payments if necessary.

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