
The Russian Pension Fund will launch a new information service in 2019 to certify the pre-retirement age of a person to the authorities, employers and citizens. The information will be used by pre-retirees to receive benefits and measures of social support, which are guaranteed by current legislation.

Employment services will be amongst the counterparties to receive information about pre-retirees from the PFR. They will rely on the Fund’s information in paying increased unemployment benefits. The Pension Fund is concluding information exchange agreements with employment services of constituent territories for that purpose.

One of the first such agreements was signed in Tula on November 1 between the regional branch of the Russian Pension Fund and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. The agreement regulates the interaction between PFR territorial offices and regional employment services in the exchange of information for the full provision of benefits and social guarantees to pre-retirees. The Fund will provide relevant information about pre-retirees to other government agencies in accordance with the law.

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