
The Russian Pension Fund and the Rostelecom company have summed up results of the Internet ABC 2018 program. Some 86,000 Russian pensioners were taught basic computer skills last year. The coaching was provided by Pension Fund offices, Rostelecom branches, social security offices, the Union of Russian Pensioners, universities, libraries, and other entities.

The textbook and the same-name website, Internet ABC, were created under the 2014 agreement between the Russian Pension Fund and Rostelecom PJSC on cooperation in raising computer awareness in pensioners. The goal of cooperation is to facilitate the access of pensioners to electronic public services and to improve their live quality by means of computer awareness and Internet user skills.

Internet ABC is popular thanks to the well-conceived learning materials customized for senior citizens. The program can easily be installed in every home that has a computer and access to the Internet. All learning materials are available on the website and include a course for beginners and an advanced course. Methodical materials for teaching the Internet ABC course are also available. All program materials can be downloaded.

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