
State pensions, including social pensions, grew 2% on April 1, 2019, consistent with the increase of the pensioner’s subsistence minimum in 2018. The raise applied to almost 4 million pensioners, including 3.2 million recipients of social pensions.

Alongside the increase of social pensions, former conscripts and members of their families, WWII veterans, citizens exposed to radiation or man-made disasters and members of their families, former test pilots, and some other categories had their pensions increased.

An increased social pension averaged 9,266 rubles. An average social pension of disabled children and persons with lifelong disabilities stands at 13,674 rubles and 13,812 rubles, respectively. An average pension of persons disabled as a result of war injuries grew to 31,300 rubles, and WWII veterans receiving two pensions got 37,400 rubles per month.

Back on January 1, insurance pensions of non-working pensioners increased by 7.05%, or higher than the 2018 inflation rates. After the indexation, the fixed-rate payment amounted to 5,334.2 rubles per month, and the cost of a pension point increased to 87.24 rubles. An average old-age insurance pension of non-working pensioners grew by 1,000 rubles to 15,400 rubles per month.

The monthly benefit and the cost of the social package of federal benefit holders were also increased by 4.3% on February 1. The cost of the monthly social package reached 1,121.42 rubles.

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