
The Russian Pension Fund has taken part in the Forum and Exhibition “For Fair Public Procurement” held in Moscow on April 3-5 with the support of the Russian People’s Front. PFR’s exhibition stand and consulting station provided detailed information about the Fund’s procurements to visitors. Besides, the Fund’s representatives participated in debates on public procurement and tender procedures.

The Forum’s business program addressed topical aspects of public procurement, including rational spending of budget funds on every level, competitive environment, reduction of administrative barriers, norms and regulations, information support to bidders, broader range of goods, works, and services for public and municipal needs, higher requirements to product quality, improvement of the electronic tender system, etc.

Please note that the annual Forum “For Fair Public Procurement” is a federal discussion and exhibition venue dedicated to public, municipal, and corporate procurement, which is organized to the benefit of clients and suppliers. Specialists of oversight agencies and specialized tender organizations participate in the Forum.

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