
According to the Rospotrebnadzor agency people aged 60 and above are more exposed to COVID-19 than other age groups. Because of the burden on the immune system aged people face the greatest risk of complications including such dangerous disease as viral pneumonia.

Due to the fact that coronavirus infection is transmitted when a person is in close contact, for example when an infected person touches or exchanges body fluid with someone else, it is recommended to aged people to refrain from visiting public places and going by public transport especially in rush hours.

It is also recommended to reduce visits to the stores, State Service Centers and other organizations. On such occasion relatives or social workers are able to help with buying foodstuffs and other required goods, and with remote payment for utilities.

People are advised to wash hands with soap more often, since hygiene is crucial for health. One should wash hands when coming home after visiting public places, after touching the goods bought in the stores and prior to cooking. One should keep the unwashed hands away from the face, nose and eyes – to protect oneself against the new coronavirus.

You should always have a lot of paper napkins. Always use them to cover the mouth in case of coughing and sneezing and immediately dispose of them after use.

Use disinfecting wipes for cleaning bags, phones, books, other things which you take to the public places and public transport.

In the event of illness or unwellness not only in connection with common cold but for other reasons, for instance blood pressure troubles, it’s better to stay at home and call a doctor.

If the members of your family have just get back  from abroad and show the signs of a cold, try to avoid contacts  and suggest them  seeking medical advice.

If after all you has caught cold and considering that your family members visited any foreign country during two last weeks, immediately inform the doctor, who will prescribe the analysis for detection of the coronavirus infection..

Take care of yourself and we wish you good health!

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