
The Russian Pension Fund has started payments to citizens who took in disabled persons, senior citizens, orphans or children left without parental care for assisted or temporary living in the period from April till June 2020. According to the government resolution, such temporary guardians are entitled to the monthly benefit of 12,130 rubles per every person they are taking care of.

Employees of public and private organizations are entitled to the benefit if:

  • They take in for assisted living disabled persons and senior citizens from nursing homes, as well as boarding facilities of social institutions;
  • They take in for temporary living, including temporary guardianship, disabled persons, senior citizens, orphans or children left without parental care from social institutions and institutions for orphans and children left without parental care.

Volunteers and other citizens who take in for temporary living, including temporary guardianship, disabled persons, senior citizens and children from social institutions and institutions for orphans and children left without parental are also entitled to the benefit.

The benefit is not paid to non-working Russians who look after senior citizens, disabled persons and disabled children and receive monthly compensations of 1,200 or 10,000 rubles.

The Pension Fund has assigned benefits for 568 guardians of 787 people. According to the preliminary estimates, the benefit may be received by almost 4,000 Russians total.

In order to receive the benefit, one should apply by October 1 via the Public Services Portal, the client service of the Russian Pension Fund, or a multifunctional center. No additional documents are required – the entitlement to the benefit is verified by registers provided by the authorities of Russian constituent territories.

Due to the specific features of the registers, two separate applications need to be filed for receiving benefits for April-May and for June.

The application must indicate the applicant’s name, SNILS and phone number, as well as details of the bank account where the money will be transferred.

The application is processed within five working days, and the money is transferred within three working days.

If the application is declined, the applicant receives a notice indicating the reason for the rejection of his/her application within one working day since the day the decision is made. The application can be denied if the register of the relevant Russian constituent territory has no information about the applicant or if incorrect information is presented.

The benefit is not included in the total amount of family income when the entitlement to other social support measures is considered.

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