
An application for a lump-sum payment of 25,000 rubles from maternity capital funds or a remaining balance of maternity capital funds under 25,000 rubles can now be filed online, on the Russian Pension Fund website An applicant owning maternity capital who files an application online does not need to visit a client service. Hence, the Russian Pension Fund continues to broaden online instruments so that citizens can receive PFR services from home.

All families which have received (or will receive the right to a maternity capital certificate in the period until September 30, 2016) and have not spent some of the funds for main designated purposes can use the right to a lump-sum payment from maternity capital funds. All owners of maternity capital certificates residing in Russia can apply for a lump-sum payment irrespective of the period of time which has passed since the birth of the child who entitled them to the certificate. The application shall be filed before November 30, 2016. The application shall indicate the series and number of the maternity capital certificate and details of a bank account to which a lump-sum payment of 25,000 rubles or a lesser sum, in case a remaining balance of maternity capital funds is under 25,000 rubles, will be transferred as a lump-sum within two months.

The Russian Pension Fund requests owners of maternity capital certificate to repeatedly check the correctness of details of bank accounts where maternity capital funds shall be transferred. A bank account must belong to the owner of the maternity capital certificate. The online application must be filed with the PFR territorial body, which has issued the certificate.

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