
The new section of expanded training course Azbuka Interneta – E-payments: useful services and means of payment is now available to pensioners for training in computer literacy.

Apart from a detailed step-by-step instruction on choosing e-commerce websites, ordering services and registering on the resources, the materials contain descriptions of different types of payment means, information on bank cards, registration and use of a personal account, etc. Special attention is paid to safety when buying online.

Materials are presented in the form of an additional module to the basic training course following the time-proven efficient training computer literacy program for pensioners introduced since September, 2014 and running in more than 65 regions of the Russian Federation. On (азбукаинтернета.рф) portal one can find the complete set of materials for training senior citizens to pay for goods and services online:

  • a manual one can download in full or in separate chapters;
  • teachers’ books;
  • visual aids to each lesson.

Materials of the new module can be used by teachers of computer courses for pensioners as a separate course on financial transactions online and as an additional lesson within basic course Azbuka Interneta. This material can also become one of the sections of an expanded course on computer literacy for advanced users.

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