
The Russian Pension Fund has set up a public council, PFR’s permanent collegial advisory body tasked with exercising civil control over the Fund activity and proposing improvements to legislative and other Russian normative legal acts in the areas under the PFR jurisdiction.

Inter alia, the Public Council will:

  • Analyze drafts of socially significant normative legal acts.
  • Analyze initiatives put forward by civil society institutes in the areas under the PFR jurisdiction.
  • Hold, in collaboration with PFR, conferences and seminars on topical aspects of the implementation of legislative and other Russian normative legal acts in the areas under the PRF jurisdiction.
  • Participate in the consideration and resolution of socially significant problems in the areas under the PFR jurisdiction.
  • Participate in the elaboration of proposals regarding legal and social protection of PRF personnel.
  • Interact with the Russian federal authorities and their public councils in matters under the PFR jurisdiction.
  • Participate in the monitoring of quality of state services rendered by PFR. Participate in the PRF anti-corruption and HR activity.

The Public Council of the Russian Pension Fund consists of representatives of employers, trade unions, academic and expert communities, mass media, and civil organizations.

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