
The monthly social benefit, the most common type of social benefits in Russia, grew by 2.5% on February 1. The Russian Pension Fund is currently paying this benefit to over 15.4 million federal benefit holders, including persons with disabilities, war veterans, people impacted by radiation, Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, Heroes of Socialist Labor, and other citizens.

The PFR budget has assigned 450.6 billion rubles for paying all types of monthly social benefits with due account of their indexation.

The value of the package of social services included in the monthly social benefit has also grown by 2.5%. Please note that federal benefit holders entitled to the package of social services can choose between receiving social services in kind and their monetary equivalent. The law allows for replacing social services with money either fully or partially.

The value of the monthly package of social services reached 1,075 rubles and 19 kopecks on February 1, 2018, including:

  • Provision with medicines – 828 rubles 14 kopecks;
  • Health resort voucher for preventing main types of diseases – 128 rubles 11 kopecks;
  • Free suburban train transportation and free intercity transportation to and from a health resort–118 rubles 94 kopecks.

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