
The Russian Pension Fund has implemented new faculties, which make the maternity capital program easier and more convenient for families. Now it is possible to use the personal account section on the Pension Fund’s website or the public services portal not only to apply for a certificate or use of maternity capital funds but also to receive an e-certificate.

The applicants need to file a request for receiving an e-maternity capital certificate via the personal account section. Same as in case of a regular certificate, the applicant will need to visit the Pension Fund just once to present personal-storage documents, such as children’s birth certificates.

There is no need for another visit; as soon as the Pension Fund approves the assignment of maternity capital, the e-certificate will be automatically mailed to the applicant’s personal account. The email will also contain an electronic document with certificate specifications. The information can be viewed or printed.

E-maternity capital certificates have been issued to 150 families across Russia.

Over half of families are using the PFR’s online services to request maternity capital. In the first four months of 2018, the Pension Fund received 222,400 requests for issuing maternity capital certificates, and 126,100 of those requests (56.7%) were filed in the personal account sections of the PFR website and the public services portal. Families also actively use online services to spend maternity capital funds. In the reporting period, the PFR received 256,700 requests for using maternity capital funds, including 134,000 requests (52.2%) filed online.

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