
The national forum “Russia – Territory of Care” opened in Moscow today to address legislative initiatives which improve the quality of life of Russian senior citizens. PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov spoke at a forum panel meeting and told the audience about the work done by the government to the benefit of the older generation.

The PFR head noted, in particular, that almost 26% of the Russian population would be older than 60 by 2030, according to forecasts, which means the country needs a system to make senior citizens feel needed and well-off. This system can be created only on the basis of program principles and a comprehensive approach.

Olga Tkachyova, the chief free-lance geriatrician of the Russian Health Ministry, said in her opening remarks at the forum that the country should deal with the problem of aging by combined efforts and that the government and the public had been putting forward initiatives and projects pertaining to the increased life span in the country. “We realize that we should handle the problem of aging together… The goal is to make our country good not just for being born, living, studying and making a career but also for aging; we want to make our country a comfortable place for aging,” Tkachyova said. “We are doing it not just for our parents, but also for ourselves and our children because we know that our children will have long lives.”

The federal party program “Older Generation” is one of the projects aimed at the comprehensive improvement of the life quality of pensioners, Drozdov, who chairs the program’s public council, said. It comprises income, social support, healthcare, and long-term care for elderly people, as well as a new area of geriatrics.

Drozdov also underlined the importance of the volunteer movement, which is gaining momentum and helping senior citizens to feel active, reduce their demand for medical assistance and, therefore, be of more use to themselves and society.

The PFR head noted that the Pension Fund was developing information resources for personalized assistance that used to be practically impossible. The PFR databases and registers make it possible to identify people who need social protection and give them targeted support in a proactive manner. For instance, the Pension Fund is applying this policy to retirees. The PFR has shared information about such people with employment services to understand how many people of the kind the country has, how many jobs they will need in the coming years, and how their professional retraining should be organized. “We have given certain guidelines to employment services, and they can volunteer to approach a particular person instead of waiting for the latter’s request,” Drozdov said. “Soon enough the Federal Register of Disabled Persons and the Unified State Social Security Information System operated by the Pension Fund will be adjusted with due account of interests of the Labor Ministry, the Health Ministry, and regions.”

Drozdov said in conclusion that programs targeting senior citizens would be more effective if they involve both the government and private companies. “We should encourage business to operate in the social sector, and if regions manage to do so their ability to support the older generation will grow manifold,” Drozdov said.

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