
Insurance pensions of non-working pensioners were raised 7.05% on January 1, 2019, which was more than the forecasted inflation rates of 2018. The increased fixed-rate payment amounted to 5,334.2 rubles per month, and the value of a pension point reached 87.24 rubles.

An average growth of the old-age insurance pension stood at 1,000 rubles across the country, and an average monthly pension increased to 15,400 rubles.

The pension increase was individual for each pensioner depending on the pension size. The more pension entitlements were acquired by a person during one’s career (the work record and the number of pension points), the higher is the insurance pension and the larger is the indexation.

For instance, a disability insurance pension of a non-working pensioner, which amounted to 9,137 rubles at the end of 2018, grew by 644 rubles to 9,781 rubles on January 1. An old-age insurance pension of a non-working pensioner grew by 1,088 rubles from 15,437 rubles to 16,525 rubles.

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