october 2022

268,400 families assigned larger maternity capital

Larger maternity capital, which amounts to 693,144.1 rubles, has been assigned to 268,400 families this year. Such maternity capital is assigned to families where the second child is born or adopted since 2020, unless they were entitled to maternity capital before.

Over 190,000 families receive one-off childbirth benefit

This year, the Russian Pension Fund provided a one-off childbirth benefit to over 190,000 families. The payments roughly totaled 4.5 billion rubles. The one-off payment in the amount of 20,472.77 rubles per child is assigned by the Fund to a non-working parent, guardian, adoptive or foster parent. The recipient can be a fulltime student of a higher, general or vocational educational establishment. An employed parent receives the payment at the place of work.

Pension Fund employees support defenders of Donetsk, Lugansk people’s republics

Russian Pension Fund specialists have raised 17.5 million rubles to support military units of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics. The donations to DPR and LPR fighters were made by Fund offices across the country as a result of several campaigns, including the People’s Front campaign “Everything for the Front.”

september 2022

Call Center services used by 5.8 mln citizens since year beginning

Some 5.8 million Russians have asked their questions about social security to the Unified Call Center since the beginning of 2022. “Most frequent questions were about social benefits, assignment of pensions, payments to families with children and maternity capital. Information about the assigned payments also topped the list of enquiries.

Pension Fund signs agreements with 108 banks to facilitate use of maternity capital for better home

Families that hold maternity capital certificates may use the funds to improve their homes without visiting client services of the Russian Pension Fund. For public convenience, the PFR has signed information exchange agreements with 108 banks, so that parents could use the funds in a faster and easier manner. Interaction has been established with certain offices of Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank and many other credit institutions.

Proactive pension notices sent to 6 mln Russians

The Pension Fund has sent proactive pension notices to 6 million Russians since the beginning of this year. The notices were received by men who have reached the age of 45, and women who have reached the age of 40.

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