
To prevent transmission of the new coronavirus in Russia and ensure sanitary-epidemiologic welfare of the population in RF the Government of the Russian Federation adopted resolution No.460.

The temporary rules determine the order of interaction of the public bodies and institutions with the citizens, who are seeking assistance in the job search in the online mode under the high- alert regime due to the threat of transmission of the new coronavirus.

In accordance with the resolution the employer shall submit to the Pension Fund of Russia the data on hiring or dismissal of employees at the latest on the working day following the day of issue of the respective order or decree.

Data transmission is conducted under the existing pattern of interaction between the territorial office of the Pension Fund and the employers.

Such change of the dates specified for submission of the data on hiring or dismissal of the employees is caused by the current epidemiologic situation and the measures taken by the state aimed at reduction of unemployment and the labor market tension. Particularly, prompt information from employers will allow the job centers to take decisions on assigning of the unemployment benefit   more quickly.

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