Over 2.6 million people have received benefits reassigned to the Russian Pension Fund from social protection services since the beginning of this year. The payments totaled 81.1 billion rubles. About 1.3 million families with children and expectant mothers received various types of social benefits: one-off pregnancy and childbirth payments, childbirth benefits, and monthly benefits for caring for babies younger than 18 months. Another 5,100 pregnant wives and children of conscripts were given one-off payments and monthly benefits.

A 50% discount on OSAGO compulsory motor third-party liability insurance was provided to 8,200 disabled citizens. Additionally, the Russian Pension Fund continued to provide various payments and benefits to 1.1 million people affected by radiation, and 225,000 military servicemen and their families. Please note that applications for benefits could be filed with any PFR client service or a multifunctional center. Information about social benefits reassigned to the Pension Fund from social protection services can be received by phone from PFR regional offices or the Unified Call Center by dialing 8-800-6000-000.

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