The Russian Pension Fund and the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Communication and Mass Media have launched a new service on the public services portal to apply for the one-off childbirth benefit. The benefit is available to the child’s parent or guardian. The benefit is assigned on the basis of an application to the Pension Fund, which can now be lodged via the account on the public services portal. The main condition is that the beneficiary is not working, although may be a full-time student of a university or a college.

The one-off benefit currently stands at 20,472 rubles and 77 kopecks. Whenever the applicant’s home region provides a higher coefficient, the benefit amount will grow.

The one-off benefit application can be filed within six months since the birth date. If any information is lacking for the provision of the benefit, it needs to be submitted to the respective PFR territorial division. The notification is sent to the applicant’s account.

It could be a birth certificate issued outside of Russia, a court order on the adoption, or information about the child living with one parent (in case of divorce).

If the benefit is assigned, it can be received to the bankcard or the post office indicated in the application.

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