The Pension Fund received 713,500 applications for choosing the form of the social service package this year. The applications were received by Fund client services and multifunctional centers, as well as via accounts on the public services portal and the PFR website from October 1, 2021, till October 1, 2022. Applications could be submitted by persons entitled to the monthly benefit: disabled persons, veterans of WWII and conflicts, persons exposed to radiation, and other categories.

Although most benefit holders prefer receiving the monthly benefit in full, the number of persons choosing the social service package grew this year. Mostly, applicants were choosing the provision of drugs. Please note that the package consists of drugs, medical goods, and medicinal food for disabled children. It also includes health resort vouchers and free rides on suburban trains. The services can be received in kind or exchanged for a larger monthly benefit.

The full money equivalent of the social service package stands at 1,313 rubles and 44 kopecks since February 1. The sum is paid every month to persons who choose not to receive the package in full.

The form of the provision of services is chosen by benefit holders each year before October 1 by submitting the relevant application to the Pension Fund. The option indicated in the application takes effect in January of next year. There is no need to file a new application whenever the previous one is valid: the package will be provided as chosen until the person changes his/her mind.

Nearly 5 million people decided to continue to receive the package either fully or partially, while 9.3 million people chose the full monetary equivalent. Most of those who changed their decision about the form of the provision of social services this year did so online – the Pension Fund received 68% of the applications (485,000) in the electronic form.

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