The Pension Fund has issued over 28 million account balance statements at the request of Russian citizens since the beginning of this year. The absolute majority of such applications (26.5 million) were filed online via accounts on the PFR website and the public services portal. Another 1.7 million statements were issued by client services of the Pension Fund or multifunctional centers.

The statements contain current information about work record, pension points and employer contributions. They also indicate the amount of pension savings if any and the fund that invests such savings.

The statements make it possible to assess pension entitlements and to check the fullness of information provided by employers.

An applicant seeking to receive the statement on the public services portal shall go to the Allowances, Pensions, Benefits section and choose Notification of PFR Personal Account Balance. The Pension Fund will issue the statement and direct it to the person’s account on the website. The service can be received by persons with verified accounts on the public services portal.

It is also possible to receive the statement personally from Pension Fund client services and multifunctional centers.

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