Personnel of Pension Fund offices are actively supporting units participating in the Russian special military operation.

Fund personnel have voluntarily donated 18 million rubles to the military. Some of the money has been spent on buying domestic off-road vehicles within the framework of the Russian People’s Fund project called All for Victory. UAZ vehicles were handed over to fighters and militia of the DPR and the LPR on the National Unity Day.

Besides providing financial assistance, specialists take part in other campaigns. Pension Fund offices regularly send humanitarian aid, such as food, drinking water, warm clothes and drugs, to servicemen and residents of the new Russian regions. Fund offices gather books, stationary, textbooks and toys for children in the Donetsk and Lugansk republics and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

During partial mobilization, PFR specialists gave targeted assistance to the draftees. They took part in the fundraising and purchase of equipment, and helped volunteers sort, pack and deliver humanitarian cargo in their free time.

Alongside humanitarian aid, Fund offices regularly receive citizens arriving from the new territories. Fund specialists arrange visiting meetings at temporary accommodation centers and PFR client services to provide consultations on pensions and to help apply for SNILS, pensions, social benefits, and maternity capital.

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