Some 879,000 disabled persons have registered their vehicles with the Federal Register of Disabled Persons to get the free parking right. Such applications are filed online via the person’s account on the register website or the public services portal. A disabled person or his/her representative can also contact the nearest multifunctional center for preferential parking.

Please note that disabled persons received access to designated parking space last year on the condition that information about their vehicles is entered into the Federal Register of Disabled Persons. The information can relate to any vehicle transporting the disabled person, either a personal vehicle, or a taxi, or a vehicle owned by the family and friends, or any other.

The information entered into the register indicates the number and make of the car, as well as the period during which free parking is required. There is no need for disability documents, which entitle the person to the benefit, as the relevant information is already uploaded by the socio-medical evaluation bureau into the register.

The permit is given to a vehicle driven by or transporting a person with disabilities of the first or second degree. Preferential parking is also available to persons with third-degree disabilities if they have limited locomotor capacity.

Whenever that is necessary, a disabled person can edit vehicle information by filing a new application. The latest information entered into the Federal Register of Disabled Persons is deemed to be current. The information available in the register is valid throughout the country. A vehicle included in the database can use dedicated parking space in any region of Russia.

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